Skinade Review

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Winter is here, and if you are anything like me, the constantly changing temperatures are taking their toll on your  skin. From the bitterly cold of the outdoors to the muggy heat inside, let’s face it, our poor skin is going through a lot of changes.

Moisturizers pile up my bedside table, copious cups of lemon water and peppermint tea are drunk throughout the day, and steaming my face is a regular occurrence. To no avail. Because of this, I was super pleased when I heard of  Skinade. I was first introduced to the brand at Charlie Cohen’s London Fashion Week show where there was a free Skinade drink on arrival, something which led me to do a little research into the brand.
Skinade’s concoction  is a peach and mangosteen (a tropical evergreen fruit) flavoured anti-ageing collagen drink. It contains a formulation of active ingredients that boosts your body's natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. This in turn provides a perfect ratio of liquid to active ingredients to create one of the most advanced, effective and bio-available anti-ageing skincare products on the market today. The product sounded impressive, but all too often I had been fooled into a product by the online spiel only to be disappointed by the results.
I’ll tell you now, Skinade is not one of those products.

I opted for a 30 day challenge which consisted of 20 bottles of drink and 10 sachets.
The bottles contain 150ml of skinade and are to be drunk once a day.
I stuck to a routine of drinking mine each morning when I woke up so as to not miss one.
The liquid inside is a very bright yellow/orange colour (warning, it does change the colour of your pee to this, so not to panic!)  In terms of taste, I was hesitant as often these supplements or plans aren’t the best, and lets face it, normally the things which are best for you, taste the worst! However I was pleasantly surprised.
Whilst I won’t say it’s the best drink I’ve ever tasted (If it was a cocktail on a menu I would skip it) but it is certainly drinkable and rather a lot more pleasant than I expected. I certainly didn’t wake up and dread the taste.

A further thing I was shocked at, was how quickly it began to work.
After only three days my skin was already feeling smoother and looking much more radiant.
About a week in I did break out in a few spots, but after a chat with Skinade they reassured me this was just all the toxins leaving the skin through the pores.

These spots cleared up within a couple of days and by the end of the trial I felt confident to leave the house with only a tinted moisturiser on as opposed to my usual foundation. As a makeup advocate who has always had issues with the look of my skin, this was a big development for me and I am surprised with just how much confidence you can get from having one drink each day.

This is so much easier than having to take tablets each day (for the same amount of collagen as you obtain though one skinade drink you would have to take 20 tablets each morning!) or faffing about with numerous creams and lotions.

30 drinks for £90 isn’t too bad (it works out at just £3 a drink) and it is well worth it for the effect it has on your skin.
Whilst I wouldn’t be able to afford to take this every day of my life, it is well worth it for a skin detox, skin revamp or if you have a big event coming up where you wish to look your best.
Check out their website here and let me know what you think...

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