An introduction

Monday, December 22, 2014


My name is Natasha Colyer and I am the editor of online fashion and lifestyle magazine Seen in the City.

I wanted to write this blog to give a little insight into the weird, wacky and wonderful world of running an online magazine- from writing inspiration and ideas, to a real insight of behind the scenes of a fashion shoot, I really want to share my stories and experiences.
Me at a press event
Here I am at a recent press event

 How it all began
I came up with the idea of Seen in the City a year ago now, with the passion to have my own online magazine having been building up for a good few years. 
I have always had a strong passion for writing and the way it can manipulate and influence thoughts, feelings and emotions in a way that nothing else can. 
I did work experience for the Sussex Express when I was seventeen, before being offered an internship for My Chic City- an online fashion and lifestyle magazine in London. This internship really threw me into the deep end, juggling what felt like a 'proper' job with college work, and the transition from being a student four days a week to a magazine journalist the other day, was an experience I can't quite describe. 
I got to interview some incredible people whilst working here, from Peggy Porschen to Kelly Hoppen, and learnt the true workings of an online fashion magazine, from the glitz and the glamour to the tedious, the stressful and the downright embarrassing moments. I had the chance to attend top events and launches, and to let my creativity run wild in a way I had previously not had such an outlet.
My Chic City
One of my articles for My Chic City

It was also through this opportunity that I got the chance to intern for Vogue for a month- including working over London Fashion Week. 

To say I was excited about this opportunity was an understatement- the fact that I would be walking the halls of one of the most prestigious magazines in the world was overwhelming. I never expected to be offered the position- thousands of girls apply every week for the chance, and I was told ‘never before’ had someone below University age been offered the opportunity. However, as the phone call came in to say they wanted me, I was over the moon.
This internship again, taught me more workings of the inside of the fashion industry. Certain myths were quelled (yes, Vogue workers do eat, and yes they have ‘down-days’ where they just wear jeans and a t-shirt.)  and I had the chance to work in what is one of the most fascinating buildings I had ever been in. Firstly, there are clothes everywhere- I mean EVERYWHERE-  (the corridors were lined with rails and rails of the most beautiful garments, as is the office floors, walls and storage cuboards.) Past Vogue covers decorate the walls, and with a beautiful view of Hanover Square just out of the window I truly felt as though I had reached fashion-writer heaven. There was a beauty cupboard that seemed larger than my bedroom, filled with hundreds upon hundreds of samples, and the amount of post, presents and invites their letterboxes are filled with daily was to be more than envied. I wallowed in the experience; drinking in that buzzing atmosphere, that creativity and cherished every task I was given. Of course there were tedious times too- sorting through the post and updating databases is not necessarily the most fun, but I was given true responsibility and work too. I felt so privileged to be trusted with different writing tasks, as well as controlling their social media- having celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Cara Delevigne replying to my tweets was so exciting! I have heard of intern horror stories- being made to work on your own in a cupboard, being called ‘intern’ and having to sit on the floor due to not being allowed a desk- but I am glad to say my experience was far from this. The best part of my month by far was getting to sit front row for London Fashion Week shows- being able to walk straight in and to ‘row A’ was a real privilege.
Vogue House
Vogue building
I was gutted when the month was up, but so excited to embark on my own journey. I had worked within the fashion media industry for a year and two months now and felt ready to get started on my own dream.
In this time I wrote for a number of companies including Flush the Fashion and Vision Model Management as well as having a part time blog.

Brainstorming for Seen in the City took a long time.
From coming up with the name (which took a lot longer than expected, but luckily ended in a ‘Eureka’ moment) to deciding on a hosting platform, to learning how to build a whole website from scratch, planning articles, deciding on themes, fonts and a content schedule I felt well and truly immersed in the Industry.
I discovered just quite how much I had underestimated the amount of work which would be required (I needed at least 200 articles before it even launched) to create my business, and there were numerous times I nearly gave up. In fact without my family and boyfriend to lean on (and cry to more than a few times) I would not have got where I am now, anywhere near as quickly.
Seen in the City
Part of Seen in the City's homepage
It was the 18th of July 2014 which saw Seen in the City go live, and was one of the proudest moments of my life.
It was an exceptionally crazy day for me, for it felt like my baby which I had slaved over and worked on for so many months, was finally being brought into the world for everyone to see, view and judge.
But the response was overwhelming.
I received over 2,000 views in one day on the launch, and these continued to rise over the first week. Five months later and I am averaging at 12,000 unique viewers a month, something I never precedented within my first year.
I have interviewed some truly inspiring figures, and recently got asked to sponsor the House of iKons fashion show in not just London, but Dubai and LA aswell- a truly pivotal moment of my life, having my brand taken all around the world.
Seen in the city sponsoring house of ikons
Me sponsoring House of iKons show in London- you can see Seen in the City's logo in the background!

I want this blog to write about some of my thoughts and feelings, and the funny, different and real moments behind the industry. I want you to know exactly what goes on, as well as give you some advice, insight and laughs along the way.

Have a lovely Christmas and new year,


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